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Eating Outside the Box
We love the convenience of a prepackaged meal. But, at what cost? Did you know that in the U.S. alone, packaging materials constitute 32 percent of the municipal solid waste stream? Sadly, school lunches contribute significantly to this problem -- generating between 45 and 90 pounds of Ziploc bags, foil pouches, and other packaging waste each year. That's roughly equivalent to the weight of an ave... posted on Aug 14 2014, 15,504 reads


10 Creative Rituals To Learn From
Sustained creativity doesn't just happen -- it's the result of hard work, and daily habits which help us tap into inspiration and cultivate success. But, what are those habits and, more importantly, how might they help? In this article, 99U interviews some of the most successful, creative minds to determine their wonderfully unique routines. ... posted on Aug 13 2014, 38,609 reads


I Talk To Strangers
One of the first rules parents often teach their children is "Don't talk to strangers." But Robbie Stokes was determined to flip that old life lesson on its head. So, after quitting his job working in the United States House of Representatives, Stokes, now 26, set out on an ambitious backpacking journey around the world in which his aim was to talk to as many strangers -- people of all ages, races... posted on Aug 12 2014, 4,636 reads


An Icebox, A Live Heart And The Man Who Drove & Drove
In some ways, it was surprising that any good could ever come of a cadaver, a heart failure and a vehicle with a live heart in its trunk tearing through a crowded city. That it did on June 16, 2014 in Chennai, and that more than 50 people coordinated the whole thing with surreal precision to save a life, could tempt one to use words like 'miracle' or 'aberration'. But in truth, it was already the ... posted on Aug 11 2014, 15,889 reads


Today I Will Do Nothing
"Today I will do nothing..." A rare declaration that just might be an antidote for the frenzy and stress of a fast-paced world and never-ending To-Do lists. Read on for a whimsical and wonder-filled comic from artist Grant Snider detailing the marvelous possibilities that unfold when we dedicate ourselves to the openness of doing "nothing". ... posted on Aug 10 2014, 88,424 reads


7 Ways To Inspire Healing After Disaster
"From 9/11 to Malaysia Airlines 370 to the Chilean earthquake...the news of a community rocked by tragedy continually reminds us of our collective vulnerability. Who are we as individuals after these calamities? Who are we as a community when the boundaries of civility, safety, and certainty shatter?...We are all individual in our response to trauma, and we are all unique in our recovery process. ... posted on Aug 09 2014, 15,373 reads


The Power of Patience
Images flash at us from every direction--from our social media accounts to advertisements on the road, and we have little time to take in anything. So, it is rather radical that Harvard art history professor Jennifer Roberts asks her students to sit--not for half an hour, but for three hours with a work of art before writing anything about it. While some may think that this sounds excessive at fir... posted on Aug 08 2014, 10,042 reads


Jim Hunter on Servant Leadership
Jim Hunter has been training servant leaders for over 30 years and is the author of two internationally best-selling books on the topic. Servant leadership brings love to leadership, and Hunter defines it as "the business of identifying and meeting people's legitimate needs, seeking their greatest good so they can grow." In this interview, Hunter discusses how to create real change through servant... posted on Aug 07 2014, 29,819 reads


How Life Has Transformed Our Planet
One could easily be forgiven for thinking that life bears little connection to rocks. After all, what could be more different than a fragrant rose and a cold chunk of granite? Minerals are usually defined as naturally occurring inorganic substances that combine to form rocks. Yet minerals (two out of three, in fact) arise as a result of biological processes.... posted on Aug 06 2014, 4,956 reads


Towards A Psychology of Hope
Hope is among the strongest human emotions. Research shows it's good for our physical and emotional well being. And it's often the 'thread' that pulls us through. Traditionally hope has been thought to be one of those things that you either have...or, you don't. But, what if hope can be learned? According to Anthony Scioli, a professor of psychology and author of The Power of Hope, this human emot... posted on Aug 05 2014, 46,110 reads


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It is never too late to be what you might have been.
George Eliot

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